On-Line Demonstration of ScheduleMaster™

The best way to learn about our service is to experience it yourself. We have two clubs set up for on-line demonstration. One is set up as a medium-sized flying club with several aircraft and pilots. The other is set up as a boat club. These demo clubs are located in California, and the times reported are for Pacific time.

To access the demo, go to https://my.schedulemaster.com or call 888-846-3796 x7. Three different user accounts are available in the demo, based on the roles you are interested in.

If you are interested in our aircraft club version, log in with...

  • Standard Demo User: (user number: 1001 password: 1001) has general membership and is only authorized to schedule the C172RG (1234A).
  • System Administrator: (user number: 0256 password: 123456) has highest level of authorization. This user can schedule all resources for any user. He can also change user and resource information, can send group email, view reports, and has many other authorizations.
  • Maintenance user: (user number: 364 password: 120364) can schedule maintenance for 1234A, even when it conflicts with a user schedule. [In this case, Schedule Master automatically notifies the user of the problem.]

  • If you are interested in our boat club version, log in with...
  • Standard Demo User: (user number: duser password: duser) has general membership. This user is authorized to schedule all power boats, which include ELEGANCE and SUNGOD.
  • System Administrator: (user number: jsysop password: jsysop) has highest level of authorization. This user can schedule all resources for any user, can change user and resource information, can send group email, view reports, and has many other authorizations.
  • Maintenance user: (user number: muser password: muser) can schedule maintenance for all resources, even when it conflicts with a user schedule. [In this case, Schedule Master automatically notifies the user of the problem.]